Thing I'll Never Understand...
Dinner and a movie . . . all from McDonald's
What's next, sleep overs at burger king? From a Redbox press release:
What's next, sleep overs at burger king? From a Redbox press release:
Redbox, the nation’s leader in automated DVD rental services, and McDonald’s USA, LLC, today announced an agreement to offer fully automated DVD rental kiosks to a growing number of McDonald’s restaurants nationwide. Redbox kiosks will begin appearing in McDonald’s restaurants in select new U.S. markets early next year, offering McDonald’s customers the latest DVD titles for only $1 per night. The agreement follows a two-year test with McDonald’s.
McDonald’s began testing redbox fully automated DVD rentals in 2004 in Denver. Redbox offers the latest titles, quick, self-service transactions, a $1 per night price point and a convenient rent-and-return anywhere policy. Today redbox kiosks are featured in more than 800 McDonald’s restaurants in the following six markets: Baltimore, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City and St. Louis.
OMG! And here's McDonald's trying to patent something we discussed in class last week!!! I agree with the author . . . somehow not that surprising. "No Food Shall Be Grown That We Don't Own" is what I found on google images when I searched "food patent." WTF? I've never understood owning the genetic makeup of a seed or food, now recipes? Now people are trying to steal mayo ingredients? Dear McDonald's, get real!
Lastly, I certainly know for a fact that when I'm sick the last thingI want is to eat a big mac or greasy french fries. Hospital alert!
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