Martha Stewart....gotta love her!

Follow this link: What's in Season and learn about all the different seasonal goodies. It's useful and may very well change how you look at your asparagus during the fall....
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At 6:42 PM,
Lil L. said…
Was this a real magazine cover for the June issue, or is this just a spoof? I've often wondered about Martha Stewart's (very noticeable) increase in popularity after her release from prison - did her time in prison make her more of an approachable "flawed human" and less of the boring, one-sided, somewhat-distant, (and/or) old-fashioned domestic she may have appeared to be to the public before then?
At 10:32 PM,
goya123 said…
Other helpful websites for general produce reference:
Greenmarket calendar:
(Under "Greenmarket" heading, click "Harvest Calendar" or see image links below)
Vegetables Part I:
Vegetables Part II:
I've also found the USDA website helpful for produce facts:
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